Tuesday, February 13, 2007

11 Months Old!!!

This will be my last post as an "infant"... they say I'm a "toddler" after I pass the 12-month mark. Mom gets a little weepy when she thinks about that, because it seems like I was only an infant for such a short amount of time. I'm already at the phase where I don't want be held or cuddled for very long ...there's way too much excitement elsewhere. Sorry Mom! I guess that's what being a "toddler" is all about!

I'm now 22 pounds and 6 ounces (as of last week), and between 30.5 and 31 inches (I was 30.5 last month, and this week I've had to retire several outfits that are now too short). I'm not yet walking, though I'm on my way there! I can walk behind my push-toys now, where as before I would have to run behind them as the wheels sped up, but I've figured out how to control the speed and walk casually while holding on. I cruise across large spans of nothingness and sometimes let go all together until I reach the next thing to hold on to. I've figured out how to wave bye-bye, though it's not yet consistent. And I can play patty-cake, though I'm not very precise with making my hands connect. I'm still saying mama and dada, though not quite discriminately (I was before but have stopped that for some reason), and I now say "duck" and/or "doggie" (not sure which one it is but it's definitely one or the other or both). Lastly, I now point at EVERYTHING and try to get Mom or Dad to tell me what it is that I'm pointing at. I make a cute little fist and stick that index finger out there...stretch my arm in the direction that I'm looking...and I say "dat!!!" (or "dut").

Other than that, same old, same old! Every morning I wake with the goal of learning something new, and every night I go to sleep completely satisfied with what I've learned. Check out my 11-month pictures here. Happy Valentine's Day, Everyone!!!

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