Well this month is shaping up to be a better, more productive month. I feel like we've regained control of the household this month. We've figured out how to manage Jack and his mood swings (thank you to our new favorite book "1-2-3 Magic"), and Molly has started to adopt some form of a routine with predictability in naps, feedings and bed time. We've been able to sit back and take a deep breath (finally). But now it's GO TIME for Christmas! I've got so much shopping to do that it's making me feel sick. It's a huge weight on my shoulders right now and I just need to get it done. And ironically enough, my work has picked up the pace these last couple of months (it's usually my slow time). So the three days a week that Jack is in school are tied up with work, not shopping/xmas prep. I don't know how/when I'll get it all done but I will. I always do. :)
And speaking of getting to the malls... I managed to get there this morning with both kids to visit with Santa. I was amazed at how well they did! Molly was at home with Santa's big cradling arms, and Jack of course tried his hardest to plaster a huge grin on his face (the boy tries so hard to smile pretty but it never looks quite right). Afterwards, Santa asked Jack what he wanted for Christmas and his response was "presents please". Easy enough! :) All and all, the visit was a complete success.
Also this month, Molly turned 2 months old. She's now 12.5 pounds and 24 inches long - still circling around the 90-95% for growth. She's sleeping 5 hours at a time - so I get up to feed her at 3am and then not again until 8am (3 out of 5 nights). I'll take it! She's gone 6 hours a few times but 5 seems to be the norm for now. When she's awake, she plays on her activity mat or her new favorite past-time, sitting in her seat and staring at the Christmas Tree. She's not nuts about the TV like Jack was at that age - so we're always looking for activities that entertain her. Here's her two-month photo:
Not sure what our Christmas plans are but Jack is ALL ABOUT IT this year...
He understands the concept of Santa, and presents and candy, etc. He has an advent calendar (thanks Grammy) and looks forward to opening a new door each day - getting one day closer to Christmas. He also helped decorate the house - inside and out! We've lost a few ornaments to the cause, but it was worth it to have him take part in it.
We also enjoyed the Harrisburg Tree Lighting festivities this year, though it was frigidly cold that night!
Hope you have a happy/safe Holiday - from Us and Ours to You and Yours!
To Grow
16 years ago
I'm glad that the kids did well with Santa. The photo turned out great. I agree this Christmas will be lots of fun with the boys this age. They finally "get" Christmas!
Oh Jack and Molly:
What fun you will have with Christmas this year. I understand that Jack helped decorate the Christmas tree. I must say you did a very good job.
Oh Molly, you will truly enjoy the excitement on Christmas morning seeing Jack opening his presents. You will giggle and laugh at your silly brother.
And Jack, please remember to sleep in until 5:55 am - please for Nagy, Pop Pop, your Daddy and Mommy's sake.
Great pics with Santa too. You two are getting oh so big.
I'm glad Grammy gave Jack an Advent Calendar so he can count the days to Christmas. I'm sure he knows that he will be a good boy when Santa comes to visit at his house.
Nagy in NC
It sounds like things are going great for you guys! I can't believe Christmas is almost here! I too, need to finish up my shopping. As far as Santa goes...Ella will have no part! I tried to get a picture with the girls dressed in their Christmas dresses. It didn't work out. Ella screamed the entire time. Oh well...maybe next year!
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