Wednesday, March 11, 2009

5 Months Old

Molly Jane,
You are growing so fast... faster than I remember Jack growing. Five months has flown by, I remember waking up several times in the night to feed you, change you, and pat your back until you fell asleep again, wishing the days would come when I didn't have to do this every few hours. Now those days are here and I miss your little newborn ways (but I swear that I was miserable at the time). But lucky me, you still wake early enough for me to feel like I didn't get any sleep(6am on a good day). This too shall pass...

You are getting stronger each day - lately, you've been figuring out how to use your stomach/torso muscles to move yourself and change positions. You can sit up on your own, for only a few seconds (tripod style), and you've rolled from back to front at least once in your crib, but I haven't seen you do that on the floor. You reach for everything and you pass toys from one hand to the other while examining all sides and colors. You love the outdoors, listening to the birds and feeling the breeze in your hair, while watching Jack driving his tractor or playing in the sand. You love to jog with Mommy, though this doesn't put you to sleep like it did with Jack. Actually - you become more alert after a long walk.

You have your favorite toys: Squishy ball from Uncle Joe and Aunt Amy, and now the binky rope that Aunt Jill made you (and all binky ropes, ultimately).
You have your favorite foods: Peaches and sweet potatoes.
Your favorite time of day: When you first wake from your morning nap.
Your favorite sleeping item: Your bunny blankies.

And we as a family have worked out all of the kinks in our system over the last five months. You have become so predictable, making life easier around here. Dad is the one to clean you at night (shower of course) and rock you back to sleep if you wake up. I'm the one to greet you in the morning, and feed you. As long as we don't mix these things up, you're one happy little girl. :)

Yes, you have thunder thighs... but you'll grow out of them some day!

Stay sweet, my little peanut!
Love you,


Nagy in NC said...

Oh my precious Molly Jane:

Nagy loves your thunder thighs. Once you start running after your big brother, those meaty legs will disappear. I love the way you smile, because your eyes just sparkle like the stars in the sky. You are a very happy baby, and I know mommy and daddy appreciate that. Keep growing big and strong. Once you start skipping and jumping, I will skip and jump with you. You are my Molly Wolly.


Kelly in NC said...

Whoo weeee those are some thunder thighs! Makes me want to pinch 'em! I can't believe how much you have changed in the last few months. YOu are definitely on your way to playing with those boys!

Anonymous said...

Molly is getting too big too fast! I love her thunder thight and beautiful blue eyes.

NaeNae said...

Those little thighs are CUTE! They were my favorite part on Ella as a baby.