Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Another Successful Christmas

We had a blast - Jack clearly had the most fun of all. From the "reindeer food" that we sprinkled in the yard the night before, to Santa's "special cookie" that we left on the counter before bed... Jack was absolutely beside himself with the Christmas traditions. His only disappointment was that we wouldn't let him go back to the North Pole with Santa - even though he insisted that there would be enough room in his sleigh (because all of the toys are in the back of the sleigh, duh- mom). This kid's ability to reason is unbelievable. What a blast we all had this year!

And a special, unexpected treat, my newest baby niece decided to join us for Christmas too! Lilly was born on December 23rd and she is as beautiful as her older sister is.
Congrats Chris & Em!
Check out the rest of my Christmas pictures here.


Kelly in NC said...

Glad you had a wonderful Christmas and that we were able to spend it with you!. Congrats on the new neice too!

Nagy in NC said...

Oh Jack and Molly:

Your mommy is wonder woman these days. Hopefully she will sit back a little and enjoy life now that the Christmas season is slowing down. Pop Pop and I just loved spending time with you and all the other grand children. Grayson, Adler, and Kannon had a great ole time playing with you too.


Nagy in NC