Tuesday, September 02, 2008

First Day Of School (and 2.5 years old)

This was you on your way home from the hospital 2.5 years ago.

And this is your on your first day of school, at 2.5 years old.

This is you and Miss Robin - your new teacher this year.

My Sweet Jack,

Today is the first day of school again...this time was much more difficult for me than last time - maybe it's because you were much more eager to let go of my hand, maybe it's because I've got your baby sister inside of me stirring up my hormones, or maybe it's because I'm terrified that I'll blink my eyes and you'll be heading off to kindergarten, high school, and college. Since the last school year (which ended in May), you have grown into such a big boy... you wear underpants instead of diapers, you sleep in a normal bed, you've abandoned your pacifier (but have grown extremely attached to your blankies instead), you miss me when we're apart and you tell me "Mom, I missed you" when we're together again... you ask questions when something intrigues you, and you answer questions when asked... You tell me about your day and you remember things from MONTHS ago and rehash the whole experience all over again (like going to the zoo in May, or telling me about a splinter that Pop Pop got in his finger 2 weeks ago while you were visiting him). You amaze me and Dad with every new thing you do... even pulling apart an oreo cookie last night, eating the creamy center first, then eating the chocolate cookie - knowing that neither one of us taught you how to do that. You have your own friends and you tell us about them when your not with them... you have your favorite shoes, outfits, toys, and snacks (of course, because you're an eating machine just like your Dad). You certainly have your routines and your opinions and are confident sticking with both (just like your Mom). You enjoy playing by yourself as much as you enjoy playing with your friends (just like your Mom) and for all of the reasons that you are such a sweet boy, you are equally stubborn when you don't get your way! You're an amazing little boy, Jack.

You'll be an amazing big brother soon too - so far you seem genuinely excited about your little sister joining our family in a month or so. You kiss her goodnight every day, you have "pretend" conversations with her (you tell me she says "hello" to you when you have your ear to my stomach), you love her room, her toys, her clothes. You have started taking very good care of your stuffed animals and your one baby doll (baby Brian) - rubbing their heads, putting them to bed and whispering "don't wake them up", and even lending your blankies to them. I know it'll be tough, sharing all the attention with your sister, but I'm sure she's going to love you as much as Dad and I do.

You make us so proud, Jack. Happy first day of school! This year, you go three days a week instead of one... as much as I'm looking forward to more time for myself/my work/and ultimately - your baby sister, I'm also going to miss our morning routine together. But I can't wait to pick you up later and listen to you ramble on and on about your day today, what you did, who you saw, songs you sang, games you played, and what you had for lunch. :)

Please don't grow up too fast, my sweet sweet Jack.

I love you (Thiiiiissss Muuuuucccch!!!) - (this is where you hold your arms out as wide as you can and yell to me how much you love me too).


Nagy in NC said...


I know this is a very sad day for mom and dad now that you are going to school three days a week. You will get to meet new friends, learn new games and songs. Miss Robin looks like a fun teacher. She will love having you there with her.

I know that Molly will be here very soon. You will be such a big brother to her and a very big helper for mom and dad.

You are growing up too fast for me; wish you could stay little for a while longer.

Have a great school year. I am anxious to hear about your new teacher, friends, and what you have learned.


NaeNae said...

How quickly the time has gone by! It's hard to remember Jack looking like the tiny baby pictured at the top of your post! He's such a big boy now! And I'm sure he will love school!

Kelly in NC said...

How perfectly written.
Jack you are all those things and more. You will be an excellent big brother in so many ways!

Chris said...

Great post, girlfriend. Hope you're not too sad...

Anonymous said...

I must say reading this brought a tear to my eye....time just flys by. Then I scrolled down, somehow I missed a few blogs because I would have responded to his "hole" blog.......nasty!!! Is that what I have to look forward to? Adler just found his "jewels" and Joe is so afraid he is going to pull so hard he pulls them off. Thank goodness he has not gotten to the backdoor.

Jack and Molly's Mom said...

Well Amy, the good news is - as quickly as he discovered his "hole", he grew bored with it just as fast. No more poopy fingers and hole exploring. :)

But yes...it was very very nasty.