Friday, August 03, 2007

Bye Bye Nana and Pop Pop!

I had a great weekend with my Nagy and GB-Pops ("Nana" and "Pop Pop" as I call them)! We mostly just hung around and relaxed. One night we went to the Whitewater Center in Charlotte for a few brewskis (just water for me) and dinner. We had a blast watching all the rafts and boats (or "bow" as I call it). We also did some house hunting and driving around. Mostly though, I spent a lot of time reading my books (boos) with Nagy.

Here's a few pictures of us at the Whitewater Center and a few more from the last couple of weeks.

Happy August everyone!

1 comment:

NaeNae said...

Cute pictures! Jack, you are getting so big! He is turning into a handsome little boy. What happened to that baby face?