Little Miss Molly,
10 Months... this month passed faster than the previous 9 months! At 10 months old, you have mastered the "army crawl". Actually, it wasn't even a week after your last post when you started crawling efficiently. You will also stand unsupported briefly, but do real well if holding on to someone or something (this too started a week after your 9 month birthday). You haven't figured out how to get back into a sit position from crawling and it's frustrating you tremendously... but I have a feeling that this too will come very soon - you're 90% of the way there, but then you give up and cry.
You now have 2 teeth on the bottom and I'm thinking another one is coming in this week as well. Not sure of your weight but you've definitely gained inches this month, and now that you're moving those legs - your 'thunder thighs' aren't as thunderous - we still can't find your knee caps and ankles, but the slim-down process has begun and you seem like you're in a long and skinny phase now...well, skinnier.
Your newest favorites: Food - Animal crackers, plums (or pluots), pretty much all fruit actually... And you're now done with squash from the garden (booo). Toy - scuba steve from the bathtub, and any and all toys that Jack is playing with at the moment, especially the small "chokable" toys. And for those followers who were concerned, yes we found Spiderman's head and no, Molly didn't find it first. :)
Firsts this month: You had your first black eye (2.5 years earlier than Jack's first black eye), as a result of your first stroller-spill and your first ride in the stroller given by Jack (we won't do that again, not for a while). And you had your first trip to a beach - you LOVED the sand in your toes (and your mouth)!
Another fabulous month, MJ! We love you to pieces!