8 Months already... you'll be a year old before we know it. This month you have become more interactive with us, playing with Jack and actually sharing toys (rolling cars together, playing with the ball, tug of war, peek-a-boo, etc). You also started to wave bye-bye this month, and you can almost clap your hands, but you find it much more amusing when I do it for you. You're not crawling yet, but that doesn't stop you from going wherever you want to. You roll one way, then arch your back, then roll the other way (kind of like a 3-point turn), then do it again, until you're going in the direction you want. You also reach out to us and to your toys and food. Speaking of food - your favorite this month is yellow summer squash - luckily we have TONS of it!!! You'll eat 1/2 of a small squash in one sitting...steamed and chopped of course. You now take your bath with Jack and you love this...love the plethora of floating toys, love the splashing water, love the bubbles. Lastly, you went on your first hike this month. I'd like to say you enjoyed it except you passed out 5 minutes into it. Maybe next time you'll stay awake long enough to take it all in.
Click here for pictures from this month.
You have become such an integral part of this family, MJ. My favorite time of day is when I go into your room in the morning. You are so excited to see me each day - you kick your legs, flip yourself around, squeal/laugh, and those big blue eyes grow wider with excitement.